For many in our A-Level H2 Chemistry tuition classes preparing for the upcoming papers, learning and revising at home is an important part of the educational process, especially during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic where many have opted to have tuition classes online. For many, studying at home seems like a dream come true initially. There’s comfort and a lot of flexibility. At the same time, however, the home environment can be filled with distractions. These can easily disrupt the learning process and bring down its efficiency.

If you’re looking for ways to create the optimal learning environment at home, we have put together the following guide with some of the best strategies that are bound to deliver an excellent outcome every single time.

1. Create Your Own Learning Space

Slouching on the sofa in front of the TV may seem like a good idea but just plopping yourself anywhere isn’t going to get you in the mood for learning.

In order to focus properly and tackle the task at hand, you need to have a designated studying area at home. There are numerous studies on the topic and all of them suggest that the quality of the learning environment has a profound impact on the educational outcome. This conclusion is valid for at-home learning, as well.

Putting together your own designated study area is far from challenging or expensive.

A small study with a desk and a comfortable chair will do just fine. Make sure that your learning space is free from distractions like the TV and radio (as well as the computer and the social media temptations hidden behind the screen). It’s also a good idea to have an opportunity for complete separation from the rest of the household. Let family members know you’re studying and ask them to stay away from your designated space while the session lasts.

2. Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

Studying is an active process. You’ll need various tools and supplies to solve problems, create notes and extract useful information from your textbooks.

Make sure that your learning space is equipped with the tools and supplies required. These usually include notebooks, pens, rulers, highlighters, a calculator and other equipment (depending on the subject you have to address).

Keep these items organized in containers and folders for effortless access. If everything is labelled.  properly and stored in its designated space, you wouldn’t be wasting time looking for supplies.

3. Personalise Your Space

You should enjoy spending time in your study area. For the purpose, you need to be comfortable. In addition, the décor should inspire you to dedicate more time to learning.

Personalise your at-home learning space in any way you deem appropriate.

Some students like hanging motivational posters on the wall. Such encouraging words keep them going even when the assignments become tough. Others enjoy a bit of artwork, colourful accessories like throw rugs and blankets and a creative corner.

It’s really up to you to bring a little bit of fun inside your learning space. Academics do not have to be dry and boring. If you manage to change this misconception and build a fun learning space, you’ll most definitely start spending more time on your lessons (and enjoying them!).

4. Set Your Daily Routine

Now that you have the learning space, it’s time to focus on building habits to learn at home.

It takes a few months for a habit to be internalised. This is why you need a daily schedule that you stick to until the process becomes automated.

Set aside an hour per day to activities within your study area. Spend some time there, even if you don’t have homework. A little bit of research or the initiation of an art project can contribute to your academic performance without being strictly tied to a specific curriculum.

Also, make sure that you have at least a light meal before you start your study session. You can also enjoy a snack and some proper hydration while learning at home. Making sure you feel comfortable and that your basic physiological needs are met will simplify the process of spending a sufficient amount of time in your study area.

5. Keep Your Sessions Short and Focused

Pulling an all-nighter at home should be reserved solely for emergency situations.

Experts have revealed time and time again that our ability to focus is limited. Hence, it’s essential to have short learning sessions and frequent breaks.

When learning at home, you can easily get carried away. At the same time, dedicating hours at a time to a lesson or an assignment isn’t going to yield the results you’re hoping for.

According to expert recommendations, your learning sessions should be limited to anywhere between 50 and 90 minutes. Next, take a break for 15 to 20 minutes. Depending on the amount of work you have to do, create several study-break blocks. These will help you get the best results without over-burdening your brain and feeling stuck.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your home study environment and to make the decisions that seem right for your learning style and personality. As you can see, most of the effective changes are pretty simple and easy to introduce.

If you have some questions or uncertainties about learning on your own, don’t be afraid to seek out some expert guidance. At The Annexe Project, we’ll be more than happy to help you craft the most optimal study sessions that will result in the quick internalisation of even the most complex academic material.

Contact us today to find out more and begin your journey towards achieving educational excellence.

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